canopy 20x 40 with drapes
2 glass elegant chandeliers
8 round tables
80 white resin chairs
8 round table clothes
8 overlays or runners
[ no tables and chairs set up] only canopy
canopy 20 x 60 with drapes
4 glass elegant chandeliers
12 round tables
12 round table clothes
12 overlays or runners
120 white resin chairs
[no tables and chairs set up] only tent
canopy 30 x 60 with drapes
5 glass elegant chandeliers
18 round tables
18 round table clothes
180 white resin chairs
18 overlays or runners
[ no tables and chair set up] only tent
canopy 20x30 with draping
2 glass chandeliers
6 round tables
6 table clothes
6 runners or overlays
60 white resin chairs
no tables and chairs set up
canopy 20x20 with draping
1 glass chandelier
4 round tables
4 table clothes
4 runners or overlays
40 brown or white resin chairs
no tables and chairs set up